Our Environment

First Peoples Acknowledgement

The Cemetery is located on the traditional lands of the Taungurung people, and the Trust wishes to acknowledge them as Traditional Custodians.

The Trust also pays its respects to their Elders, past and present, and Elders from other communities who may visit the Cemetery.

Governance & Compliance

The Cemetery is a Class B Cemetery.  It operates within an environment with several external factors that influence the way in which it conducts its business.

The Cemetery operates within a regulated industry under the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003 (The Act).

Operational compliance and other requirements are overseen by the Governance Section of the Department of Health (the Department) and are detailed in the Department’s Manual for Victorian Class B Cemetery Trusts, August 2021.  Financial controls and procedures are detailed in the Department’s Financial Guidelines for Class B Cemetery Trusts.

The Department of Health and the Act are key influences in the pricing of products and provision of new products.

The Trust complies with the governance requirements of the Public Records Office of Victoria and the Data Protection Standards as issued by the Office of the Victorian Information Commission (OVIC) respectively dealing with record retention and confidentially requirements.


The Cemetery is managed by a Trust consisting of up to 11 members appointed by the Minister of Health in Victoria for terms of up to 5 years.  Members meet at least quarterly to review the results of operations and plan future initiatives and directions.

Trust Members comply with the Act, adhere to the Department’s requirements, the Director’s code of conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy issued by the Public Sector Standards Commissioner and the Data Protection Standards as issued by Office of the Victorian Information Commission (OVIC).


The proper use of natural resources is vitally important for the cemetery and crematoria industry, and it is essential that the Cemetery’s operations have a minimal impact on the natural environment.

This is not only sensible economically but of growing importance as a community expectation.

The Trust is committed to the responsible use of natural resources and enhancing its Cemetery through sustainable practices and management plans.